Древнейшие государства Восточной Европы. 2016 год: Памяти Г.В. Глазыриной. C. 196-210. |
Автор(ы) |
А. В. Подосинов |
Название |
Аннотация |
В статье речь идет об античном представлении о мифологических Рипейских горах, будто бы протянувшихся вдоль северных границ Евразии. Космологический аспект этого представления нашел свое выражение в рано развившейся теории, что за северными горами солнце проходит свой ночной путь, чтобы утром появиться на востоке. В статье рассматривается, как эти чрезвычайно древние положения были восприняты в раннесредневековой географической и космологической литературе (в основном, на римере латиноязычной «Космографии» Равеннского Анонима, ок. 700 г.). Языческие представления, пересказываемые автором, предстают здесь в обрамлении христианской доктрины и Священного писания, которые должны были оправдать заимствования из языческой космографии. |
Autor(s) |
Alexandr V. Podossinov |
Name |
Summary |
This article deals with the representation of the ancient mythological Rhipaean mountains, as if stretching along the northern borders of Eurasia. The cosmological aspect of this concept was the early enveloped theory, according to which the sun passes his night journey behind these mountains to appear in the morning in the east. This point of view was shared by many ancient authors, among them by Anaximenes, Aristotle and others. In antiquity was also widespread theory about the increase of land to the north (τής γης ύψηλά), that was an allusion to the Rhipaean mountains, because this doctrine is closely connected with the theory of the cosmic mountain. The origin of this theory lies in the Ionian science and is associated with the notion of the Earth as a disc or washer. The localisation of the Rhipaean mountains was in very close relationship with the localisation of the mythic country of Hyperboreans, who lived behind these mountains, often named also as ‘Hyperborean mountains’. The article discusses how these very ancient ideas were received in the early medieval geographical and cosmological literature (especially, in Cosmographia of Ravenna Anonymous, approx, in 700). Pagan presentation, discussed by this author in the 1st book, appear here in a frame of Christian doctrine and the Holy Scriptures which were to justify the borrowing of these ideas from the pagan literature. The article contains the Latin text of this passage from Cosmographia and its Russian translation with a commentary. The Anonymus’ text shows that, although some scholars argue that the traditions of the ancient science did not find any noticeable reflection in his Cosmographia, it contains a huge collection of the geographical materials, compiled generally from the ancient sources. Moreover, now we can see that even the Christian theology of the Cosmographia, which is impregnated with a medieval ideology, was exposed to the powerful influence of ancient ideas. Cosmographer, polemizing with his opponents, who argued that the sun at night goes beneath the Earth, writes, in full accord with the ancient theories and recalling some phylosophi et prudentes viri, that in the northern part of the land in front of the ocean the huge unknown mountains are situated at a great extent, by divine assent. Behind them the sun after his decline in the west goes all night to appear in the next day to the people in the east. Interpretation of the Cosmographer punctuated by references to the Holy Scriptures, which should confirm the validity of this theory. But since the Bible never touched this problem, references to its authority look not particularly convincing. However, immediately after the citation of Scripture, the Anonymous author refers to authorities of the ancient authors: “but they argue that and some pagan philosophers attest the same...”, and here we must see following ancient tradition, that was known to Ravennate. At the end of the article an attention is attracted to the similar ideas of the Byzantine author Cosmas Indicopleustes (6th century). Like many ancient writers and like Ravennate, he wrote, being in line with the Antioch exegetical school, that the earth's surface increases (τό ΰψος τής γης) to the north and west. That is why the sun hides at night behind this elevation, what is considered in modem literature as dependency of Cosmas from ancient tradition. The manuscripts of his Christian topography preserved a magnificent image of a mountain in the north of Europe, behind which the sun goes down. The same ideas we find in works of Ephrem the Syrian, Pseudo-Caesarius and Severianus of Gabala (4th- 6th centuries). |
Ключевые слова |
Рипейские горы, космологические взгляды античных авторов, «Космография» Равеннского Анонима, Косьма Индикоплов, христианское обрамление языческих представлений |
Key words: |
Rhipaean mountains, cosmological views of ancient authors, “Cosmographia” of Ravenna Anonymous, Cosmas Indicopleustes, Christian representations of the pagan concepts |
Литература |
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